We Believe: Week 1

Opening Question
We all believe in something. In fact, each of us believes in many things. Apart from religious beliefs, what is something you believe or have faith in?

A creed is a defining statement of belief. The Nicene Creed is a summation of Christian faith used by many churches around the world. Millions of Christians recite this very creed one or more times a week!

This creed was established in AD 325 and tweaked until AD 381. As Christianity spread across kingdoms and continents there was a need to define the essentials of the faith, especially surrounding the nature of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Nicene Creed is not an authority itself, but it point to the ultimate authority of God’s Word given to us in the Bible.

Hebrews 11:1-3
Read this aloud together and then allow for some silence for everyone to reflect on the passage.

1. Where there any words that need defining? Does anyone have a translation that paints a different picture?
2. How would you define faith? Do you think faith is always based on hope?
3. Verse 2 talks about “people of old.” Who do you think the author is talking about? (If you have time on your own this week, read the rest of chapter 11 to get a fast overview of key figures in the Bible and why they were considered faithful even though all of them messed up just as much, if not more often than they followed God’s leading.)
4. Have you ever met someone further along their journey who had a kind of faith that really made an impression on you? What made them or their life different? Do you think that kind of belief is a possibility in your life? What next steps do you think you may be ahead of you?

Close in prayer for one another’s journeys of belief and any other prayer requests that are offered to the group.

- A core practice for our church is to pray for our family, friends, and neighbors to know Jesus. Write down and pray through your Top 5.
- Join us this Sunday for worship and the second sermon on the Nicene Creed on God the Creator of heaven and earth
- You can find the Nicene Creed in the Notes section of The Gathering Church app. Try to find a time to pray the creed once on your own or with your family this week.

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