We Believe: Week 4

Opening Question
Have you ever been rescued? Was there a time in your life that someone saved you from making a bad decision or may have even saved your life?

See Week 1

Creed Section
Consider this portion of the Creed as we read the Bible passage from John:
For us and for our salvation, he [Jesus]came down from heaven...

John 3:16-21
Ask someone to read this aloud, and then allow silence for everyone to reflect on the passage.

1. Were there any words that need defining or any questions other questions? Does anyone have a translation that paints a different picture?
2. How does John 3 relate to this week’s section of the Nicene Creed?
3. Often we hear John 3:16 by itself. How could this verse be misunderstood, or how have you seen it misunderstood/misused, without the verses that come after it?
4. John 1:5 says, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." What does it mean to you that Jesus' saving power is greater than any dark corner of your life? How can this truth change a life?

*Optional: Going Deeper
You are welcome to use this question in your group discussion or to carry it with you throughout the week to answer on your own. We all have parts of our lives that we have not allowed Jesus to transform. Is there an area of your life Jesus is waiting to be invited into? What is your next step in allowing the light of Jesus more access to your life?

Close in prayer for one another’s journeys of belief and any other prayer requests that are offered to the group.

  • You can find the Nicene Creed in the Notes section of The Gathering Church app. Try to find a time to pray the Creed once on your own or with your family this week.
  • Communion Class is at 9am on Sunday May 22 and 29th. This is a class for anyone interested in receiving Communion or knowing more about Communion.
  • Mark your calendars for June 5th when we will be celebrating a family baptism! 
  • Keep Praying for your Top 5.

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