We Believe: Week 6

Though we will not meet in house churches this week, we encourage you to engage with the next section of the Creed with your family or in your personal time with God.

See Week 1

Creed Section
Consider this portion of the Creed as we read the Bible passage from John:
[Jesus] was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and was made man. for our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

Acts 1:1-11 & Luke 23:44-24:12
Don't be hesitant to use a dictionary or online resource (like Biblegateway.com) to look up any words you don't understand or names you are not familiar with. However, if you find yourself unsure of the message or lesson of a passage, we encourage you to bring this passage to God in prayer. Ask questions and sit with the biggest point of resistance while you rest, work, and commute. Bring your thoughts to your family or a trusted friend. Let God speak through his Word, through your meditations, and through the community of faith.

1. How do the Acts and Luke passages relate to this week’s section of the Nicene Creed?
2. If you can, print out a copy of the Nicene Creed (or just the above portion) and come up with a way to mark things that are easy to believe, things that are challenging to believe, and things that might feel impossible to believe. You could use different highlighter colors; underline, star, and heart; or whatever works for you. As you look at what you believe, can you tell that you beliefs have changed since starting this teaching series? What else can you learn about your faith from what you have marked?
3. If you only had these two passages to understand who Jesus was, what would you know? Consider listing these things on a piece of paper. Then, consider how these descriptions compare or contrast to how you have understood the person of Jesus.
4. Going deeper: how does who Jesus is impact who you are?

Close in prayer for one another’s journeys of belief and any other prayer requests that are offered to the group.

  • You can find the Nicene Creed in the Notes section of The Gathering Church app. Try to find a time to pray the Creed once on your own or with your family this week.
  • Mark your calendars for June 5th when we will be celebrating a family baptism! To help bring food, sign up here.
  • The new Sunday volunteer sign up is available for the Summer. A detailed description is at the top of the sign up. Email Mikah Alge if you have any questions.
  • On June 3 the ladies are going bowling! Register through the events section of the app or click here.
  • Keep Praying for your Top 5.

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