We Believe: Week 9

Opening Question
Did you come from a “gathering” family? What brought you together? What were your relationships like? If you didn’t come from a family like this, what was that like?

See Week 1

Creed Section
Consider this portion of the Creed as we read the Bible passage from Hebrews:
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.

Some Notes
  • When “catholic” is written in lowercase letters it means “universal”
  • Apostolic refers to the teachings of the apostles or disciples
  • When “Church” is capitalized it refers to the Kingdom Church that we are all a part of

Hebrews 10:19-25
Ask someone to read this aloud, and then allow silence for everyone to reflect on the passage.

1. Were there any words that need defining or any questions other questions? Does anyone have a translation that paints a different picture?
2. How does Hebrews 10 relate to this week’s section of the Nicene Creed?
3. What role does the author of Hebrews assign to the church (or groups of Christians) in this passage? Why do you think this is important for the assurance we have in our own faith?
4. Matthew 21:12-17 is about the time Jesus drove scam artists and thieves from the Temple. Read over the passage and then talk about what the Temple was versus what it was like after Jesus came. The truth is that many churches function like the old Temple - what ought a church look like that is truly led by Jesus?

*Optional: Going Deeper
You are welcome to use this question in your group discussion or to carry it with you throughout the week to answer on your own. Revisit Hebrews 10 and Matthew 21 this week. Do you believe that you need the family of the Church to continue in your Christian walk? If you don’t, what has led you to that conclusion. If you do believe that you need the Church family to grow in your faith, do your actions, commitments, and habits support that belief? Where is God calling you in deeper?

Close in prayer for one another’s journeys of belief and any other prayer requests that are offered to the group.

  • You can find the Nicene Creed in the Notes section of The Gathering Church app. Try to find a time to pray the Creed once on your own or with your family this week.
  • This Sunday is a morning prayer service. We will gather at 10am for a prayer and worship service without Communion.
  • The new Sunday volunteer sign up is available for the Summer. A detailed description is at the top of the sign up. Email Mikah Alge if you have any questions.
  • Keep Praying for your Top 5.

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