Colossians: Jesus Above All - Week 4

Colossians 1:21-29 
Though we will not meet in house churches this week, we encourage you to engage with Colossians in your personal time with God or with your family.

This is an epistle (or letter) written by Paul in the early 50’s while he was in prison. The letter was intended for the church in Colossae which was planted by Epaphras. This Colossian church plant was in the middle of a pagan city with a high population of Jews. The main purpose of this letter is found in chapter 2 verse 8, to protect the church from man-made philosophies and traditions.

Read and Reflect
Read Colossians 1:21-29 
Don't be hesitant to use a dictionary or online resource (like to look up any words you don't understand or names you are not familiar with. However, if you find yourself unsure of the message or lesson of a passage, we encourage you to bring this passage to God in prayer. Ask questions and sit with the biggest point of resistance while you rest, work, and commute. Bring your thoughts to your family or a trusted friend. Let God speak through his Word, through your meditations, and through the community of faith.

Go Deeper
  1. What is the passage saying? Try to restate it in your own words.
  2. Do you remember Paul’s story? You can read about his murderous deeds and his transformation in Acts 8 and 9 (remember, he was called Saul first). It’s shocking to see this journey in a few pages. Jesus brought him so far. How far has Jesus brought you? Have you rejoiced over that recently?
  3. How do you think Paul can rejoice in his sufferings (he is in prison, has been beaten, and many want him dead)? Have you ever experienced joy through suffering?
  4. What do you think a “mature” Christian looks like?  What do you think a mature you in Christ looks like? What do you think might be your next right step in that direction?

Many people thought history have sacrificed for you to hear the good news that God loves the world and saves us from our sin through his son Jesus Christ. And that is something to be thankful for no matter where you are in your journey.

Remember to pray for the families in your house church and the people on your Top Five cards.
  • Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 7th. We will be worshiping with Grace Anglican in their worship space at 10:30am.
  • BBQ and Poker Men’s Night: August 13, 2pm, at the Kitchen’s House. Ask your house church leader for more information.
  • House churches will resume meeting in the first week of August.

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