Sent: Abigail

These questions are written to be used during our house church meeting in Katy on Tuesday nights and in Sugar Land on Wednesday nights. If you find yourself unable or attend a gathering this week we encourage you to use these questions at home to sink more deeply into this vision series.

Background:  This week we look at Abigail. Abigail's story comes to us today from the book of 1 Samuel, written by Samuel. Samuel was the last of the judges. A man named Saul had become the first king of Israel, but he was disobedient to the Lord. As a result, God had Samuel anoint David as king. David continued to be loyal to King Saul, but Saul became jealous of him and sought to kill him, forcing David to flee for his life. With hundreds of followers, he journeyed about the land attempting to avoid the king and his soldiers. This part of the story where Abigail comes in, takes place during this period of flight, in approximately 1030 BC.

Icebreaker: Describe a time when you had to act for a person’s best interest even if the person did not understand your actions.

Read, Reflect, Discuss:
1. How does 1 Samuel 25:1-4 describe Nabal and Abigail?
2. Read 1 Samuel 25:10-19. What do you notice in these verses? How do Abigail and Nabal differ in their actions, how are there actions connected to their descriptions in verses 1-4?
3. Read 1 Samuel 23-31. How does Abigail distinguish herself from Nabal?
4. How does her role shift or change?
5. What do Abigail's actions say about her relationship with God?

Go Deeper:
5. What does it look like for God to call you to do his work?
6. What could God be calling you to do next?

Pray for the families in your house church and the people on your Top Five cards.

Next week Ash Wednesday service at 7 PM at Westlake Prep. 23300 Bellaire Blvd
Richmond, TX 77406. Kids of all ages will join the service.

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