The Confession: Week 4
These questions are written to be used during our house church meeting in Katy on Tuesday nights and in Sugar Land on Wednesday nights. If you find yourself unable or attend a gathering this week we encourage you to use these questions at home to sink more deeply into this vision series.
Background: The Confession is a prayer that we pray together each Sunday morning. During this season of Lent, we are looking at a different phrase from the Confession each week. It is a prayer of repentance, either said by an individual or a group. It is a prayer where we admit that we are sinners “in thought, word and deed” and “those things which we have left undone.” In and through confession, we directly confront our ideas that we are righteous and naturally good and leaves us in a place of recognizing that we need a savior.
Icebreaker: What makes it easy of difficult to say you're sorry and admit that you have done wrong?
Read and Reflect: Read Psalm 38 in a circle 1 verse at a time.
Take a moment to get your bearings; look at the surrounding stories by reading the subtitles around this week’s passage. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or definitions for new words and ideas. Listening to other translations of the Bible can both clarify and enrich the meanings of these readings.
1. What is your initial reaction to what is happening in this passage(s)? What questions do you have?
2. What does this Psalm tell us about David's relationship with God?
3. What does this Psalm tell us about the fall out of sin? How does sin effect our relationship with God, one another, and all of creation?
4. Even in the midst of this dire time of life, David is hopeful and trusts God. How was he able to trust God and how do you relate or not to David's experience?
Go Deeper:
5. The part of the confession that we are focusing on this week is the sentence, "We are deeply sorry for these our transgressions; the burden of them is more than we can bear." What is your experience in confession?
6. Pray the confession together to closer out your discussion.
Pray for the families in your house church and the people on your Top Five cards.
Next week is Community Dinner and a great chance to invite our family, friends, and neighbors.
You can check out previous sermons on our series, "The Confession" on the app.
Holy Week is on the way. Check the Announcements section for service times.
Background: The Confession is a prayer that we pray together each Sunday morning. During this season of Lent, we are looking at a different phrase from the Confession each week. It is a prayer of repentance, either said by an individual or a group. It is a prayer where we admit that we are sinners “in thought, word and deed” and “those things which we have left undone.” In and through confession, we directly confront our ideas that we are righteous and naturally good and leaves us in a place of recognizing that we need a savior.
Icebreaker: What makes it easy of difficult to say you're sorry and admit that you have done wrong?
Read and Reflect: Read Psalm 38 in a circle 1 verse at a time.
Take a moment to get your bearings; look at the surrounding stories by reading the subtitles around this week’s passage. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or definitions for new words and ideas. Listening to other translations of the Bible can both clarify and enrich the meanings of these readings.
1. What is your initial reaction to what is happening in this passage(s)? What questions do you have?
2. What does this Psalm tell us about David's relationship with God?
3. What does this Psalm tell us about the fall out of sin? How does sin effect our relationship with God, one another, and all of creation?
4. Even in the midst of this dire time of life, David is hopeful and trusts God. How was he able to trust God and how do you relate or not to David's experience?
Go Deeper:
5. The part of the confession that we are focusing on this week is the sentence, "We are deeply sorry for these our transgressions; the burden of them is more than we can bear." What is your experience in confession?
6. Pray the confession together to closer out your discussion.
- Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
maker and judge of us all:
We acknowledge and lament our many sins and offenses,
which we have committed by thought, word, and deed
against your divine majesty,
provoking most justly your righteous anger against us.
We are deeply sorry for these our transgressions;
the burden of them is more than we can bear.
Have mercy upon us,
Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father;
for your Son our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake,
forgive us all that is past;
and grant that we may evermore serve and please you in newness of life,
to the honor and glory of your Name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pray for the families in your house church and the people on your Top Five cards.
Next week is Community Dinner and a great chance to invite our family, friends, and neighbors.
You can check out previous sermons on our series, "The Confession" on the app.
Holy Week is on the way. Check the Announcements section for service times.
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