Walking in the Light: 1 John 2:18-3:10

These questions are written to be used during our house church meeting in Katy on Tuesday nights and in Sugar Land on Wednesday nights. If you find yourself unable or attend a gathering this week we encourage you to use these questions at home to sink more deeply into this vision series.

Background Information:  This is the first of 3 letters that are written by the apostle John, one of Jesus’ chosen 12 disciples. He is identified as the elder, and is overseeing a network of house churches made up mostly of Jewish followers of Jesus.  John wrote this in roughly 90 AD when he was the last living original disciple/apostle of Jesus. During this time, the church is going through a crisis of people breaking off these churches and no longer acknowledging Jesus as messiah or son of God and are causing hostility among those who remain in the church. Gnosticism, a teaching and thought that greatly varied from the gospel of Jesus, had begun to set its roots in the church and taught that it is about what you know not who you know. It emphasized that salvation comes through knowledge. It also taught that things physical are evil therefore Jesus did not have a physical body, he was a phantom spirit. Since only the spirit matters, anything you do physically doesn’t matter. John writes this letter to call Christians back to truth, obedience, and devotion.

Opening Question: How is life different when doing things in the light and in the dark?

Read and Reflect: Read 1 John 2:18-3:10
Take a moment to get your bearings; look at the surrounding stories by reading the subtitles around this week’s passage. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or definitions for new words and ideas. Listening to other translations of the Bible can both clarify and enrich the meanings of these readings.

1. What is your initial reaction to what is happening in this passage(s)? What questions do you have?
2. In 2:19, John speaks about those who "went from us", that is those who left fellowship with God's people. How does this connect with what John wrote in the 2:15-17?
3. How does what is taking place then also serve as a warning and guide for us today?
4. What does John tell us about our relationship with God as people who walk in the light? (3:1-5)
5. What from this passage encourages you? What challenges you?

Go Deeper:
5.  How can we be prepared and ready to guard our hearts against false teachings that arise?

Pray for the families in your house church and the people on your Top Five cards.

Next week is another dinner and discussion, read 1 John 3:11-24 and write down any thoughts or questions that come up.

You can check out our previous sermons in the app.

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