The Life of Jesus: Luke 12:22-34

During this semester, we are going to be walking through Luke's gospel to gain a better understanding of Jesus, who he is and what he has done. In the app, under House Church, there is a tab labeled Luke resources that has additional resources for Luke and we will continue to add as time goes on.

** This gospel is written by Luke. Luke was an associate of the Apostle Paul who was likely a medical doctor, possibly from Antioch of  Syria, who is not Jewish. Luke is distinct in that it is the longest gospel and that it has a sequel, Acts. Luke introduces Jesus and his ministry as well as how his ministry relates to the early church. His gospel highlights the activity of a powerful and faithful God through Jesus, the promised savior.

These questions are written to be used during our house church meetings. If you find yourself unable or attend a gathering this week we encourage you to use these questions at home to sink more deeply into this series.

Opening Questions: 
1. What are situations that cause you anxiety or to worry?
2. Do you consider yourself an anxious person or a worry wart? Why or why not?

Read and Reflect: Read Luke 12:22-34
Take a moment to get your bearings; look at the surrounding stories by reading the subtitles around this week’s passage. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or definitions for new words and ideas. Listening to other translations of the Bible can both clarify and enrich the meanings of these readings.

1. What stands out to you in this passage?
2. What does Jesus tell us about worry and anxiety?
3. What does Jesus say about himself?
4. What is the connection between worry/anxiety and trust/faith?
5. What is difficult or encouraging about this passage? 

Go Deeper: (optional for the group or to reflect on personally at home)
  1. What do you think it means to live as a reflection of Jesus’ words in 12:34?
  2. What is one way that God is speaking to you personally through this study? If you’re on your own, write it down and share it with someone later. If you are with a small group, discuss this together.

Pray for the families in your house church and the people on your Top Five cards.

  • Part 2 of our Communion Class is this Sunday at 9:00am in the Library at Westlake.
  • Next week is Community Dinner. Continue to pray for who God has placed in your life to invite.
  • Friday, May 10 at 630 is our Women's Board and Board. Bring your favorite food board (get creative and ask your House Church Leaders for suggestions) and board game. The Henson's are hosting at 1015 Vidalia Onion Dr, Richmond TX 77406.
  • Sunday, May 19 is a baptism Sunday and we will have information for our lunch celebration soon.

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