We Believe: Week 10
June 27th, 2022
Opening QuestionWhen have you been a part of a group, team or club? What did you have to do to join? Was the process of joining worth being a part of the group?BackgroundSee Week 1Creed SectionConside...  Read More
We Believe: Week 9
June 20th, 2022
Opening QuestionDid you come from a “gathering” family? What brought you together? What were your relationships like? If you didn’t come from a family like this, what was that like?BackgroundSee Week ...  Read More
We Believe: Week 8
June 13th, 2022
Opening QuestionHave you ever been told "it gets better"? When are times you have heard that? Did you believe that things would get better? Why or why not?BackgroundSee Week 1Creed SectionConsider thi...  Read More
We Believe: Week 6
May 30th, 2022
Though we will not meet in house churches this week, we encourage you to engage with the next section of the Creed with your family or in your personal time with God.BackgroundSee Week 1Creed SectionC...  Read More
We Believe: Week 5
May 23rd, 2022
Opening QuestionHave you ever met one of your heroes “in the flesh”? What was it like going from knowing about them to actually meeting them (or maybe even having a conversation with them)?BackgroundS...  Read More
We Believe: Week 4
May 16th, 2022
Opening QuestionHave you ever been rescued? Was there a time in your life that someone saved you from making a bad decision or may have even saved your life?BackgroundSee Week 1Creed SectionConsider t...  Read More
We Believe: Week 3
May 9th, 2022
Opening QuestionWhat does it mean to call someone a spitting image? Have you ever know someone who is a spitting image of someone else?BackgroundSee Week 1Creed SectionConsider this portion of the Cre...  Read More
We Believe: Week 2
May 2nd, 2022
Opening QuestionDo you consider yourself a “creator”? What is something you do that brings you joy? Would you consider that an act of creativity? (And just in case you think you are not creative…consi...  Read More
We Believe: Week 1
April 25th, 2022
Opening QuestionWe all believe in something. In fact, each of us believes in many things. Apart from religious beliefs, what is something you believe or have faith in?BackgroundA creed is a defining s...  Read More