Mission & Vision

Explore, Discover, Grow, Share

Our Vision:
We aspire to become a church dedicated to planting other churches. Our vision is to achieve this through the establishment and multiplication of House Churches, Sunday Worship Gatherings, and Leader Formation. With God’s grace guiding us, our mission is to make disciples among those who do not know Jesus, guide them towards a profound relationship with Him, and ultimately empower and send them to make more disciples, thus multiplying the kingdom of God.

Our Mission:
We are an Anglican church in Richmond, Texas seeking to be a church family sharing the transforming love of God with our families, friends, and neighbors.  Each person has a story of their own and our prayer is to meet with people where they are in their story.  We invite you to come and explore faith, discover who God is, grow in your relationship with him, and share the incredible work he is doing in your life. We can't wait to meet you!

As a result of God's work in the lives of our families, friends, and neighbors, we pray that the ministry of The Gathering Church will multiply through the planting of new churches throughout the city of Houston.

We seek to live out this mission in three primary ways:
  1. House Churches—These groups meet weekly in homes for meals, prayer, and study of God’s word. This is where relationships grow from strangers to members of God’s family.
  2. Leader Formation— Our souls are are of the utmost importance. Leader Formation is for everyone wanting to walk closer with Jesus. We gather 4 times a year for teaching, reflection, and practice of spiritual disciplines. This are like mini retreats that are designed to feed our souls and draw us closer to Jesus.
  3. Sunday Worship—We gather together to be filled with the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament, empowering us to go back to our families and communities to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We are an Anglican church that uses the 2019 ACNA (Anglican Church in North America) Book of Common Prayer.

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