Confimation and Reception

Confirmation and reception are significant milestones in one's spiritual journey. Here's what you need to know about the upcoming classes and service:

Confirmation and Reception
Confirmation allows individuals to publicly reaffirm their baptismal promises in a mature manner. It strengthens believers through the Holy Spirit for Christian life and service. Reception is for those who have made a mature commitment in another Christian tradition and wish to join the Anglican Communion.

Class Schedule
Confirmation classes will be held on:
Sundays: March 16, 23, 30, and April 6 (after worship service)
Mondays: March 24 and April 7 (via Zoom)

Confirmation and Reception Service
The service will take place on Sunday, April 13, with Archbishop Foley Beach presiding. During the service, candidates will:
Reaffirm their commitment to Christ
Receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer
Experience the laying on of hands by the bishop

For Confirmation: Must be baptized in any Christian tradition
For Reception: Must have made a mature commitment in another Christian tradition
For Confirmation and Reception: Attend all Confirmation classes

To register for Confirmation Classes and for more information, click the button below this section.

Childcare will be provided.