North Katy House Church - Week 3
Week 3: The Gospel Saves You
Take a few minutes to discuss the gospel’s role in salvation.
1. What are we saved from? How is salvation possible?
2. How do we access salvation?
All of the ills that befall mankind are symptoms of a greater _______________________.
All human beings are guilty of three things:
1. All of us prefer _________________ to the Creator.
2. We think we’re ___________________ than God.
3. We’ve all failed to ___________________________ Him.
If you could ________________ yourself, you would still be guilty of failing to acknowledge
__________ .
Matt identified three things that are ultimately wrong with us as human beings:
Pray Together
Take a few minutes to discuss the gospel’s role in salvation.
1. What are we saved from? How is salvation possible?
2. How do we access salvation?
All of the ills that befall mankind are symptoms of a greater _______________________.
All human beings are guilty of three things:
1. All of us prefer _________________ to the Creator.
2. We think we’re ___________________ than God.
3. We’ve all failed to ___________________________ Him.
If you could ________________ yourself, you would still be guilty of failing to acknowledge
__________ .
Matt identified three things that are ultimately wrong with us as human beings:
- We prefer creation to the Creator
- We believe we’re smarter than God, and
- We fail to acknowledge Him.
- Which of these flaws is most prevalent in today’s culture?
- Which has affected your life the most?
Pray Together
North Katy House Church - Week 2
Week 2: The Gospel of Past, Present, and Future
- In what ways (if any) did you see the gospel at work in your own life or others since the last time we met?
- So much of our lack of holiness goes back to a misunderstanding of the gospel and what it means to ____________ in the gospel _____________.
- When we stand up to _____________________________ and we don’t give in to our flesh, that’s standing in the gospel.
- To persevere to the end, you constantly preach the gospel to ____________________.
- God wove delight in our ________________ into the fabric of creation to remind us of His deep and abiding in us in Jesus Christ.
- The gospel sustains us. We just have to __________________ it sustains us.
- God works in the middle of ________________.
- God is making much of _______________ in our salvation.
- Your right standing before God is not built on you but on ____________ ______________.
- Summarize what it means to stand in the gospel as a follower of Jesus.
- How would you describe your current understanding and practice of the gospel: crawling like a wounded soldier, taking your first steps, walking confidently, or running?
- What obstacles or attitudes are holding you back from advancing in your understanding and practice of the gospel?
- Identify one action you could take this week to move beyond those obstacles and attitudes. If you’re willing, share that action with the group.
North Katy House Church
Week 1: The Gospel of Past, Present, and Future
Several words in the English language have multiple definitions and uses. For example, the word strike can refer to both hitting something (in a fight) and missing something (in a baseball game).
Take a minute to think of a word that has multiple definitions. Write down as many of those definitions as you can think of in three to five minutes. At the end of the allotted time, consider sharing the results of your work with the rest of the group.
What first comes to mind when you hear the word gospel?
What are different definitions and uses of the word gospel in today’s culture? In the church?
Paul is just as concerned with _____________________ understanding the gospel as he is with _____________________ understanding the gospel.
The gospel is not simply for those who ________________ _______________ know Christ, but it’s just as much for those who ________________ know Christ.
What struck you as new or interesting in the video segment?
Look at the definition you wrote earlier for the word gospel. What changes, if any, would you make to that definition after hearing Matt speak?
Do you agree that the gospel applies to those who know Christ as much as it applies to those who still need to experience salvation? Why or why not?
Summarize what it means to stand in the gospel as a follower of Jesus.
What is one thing you can do this week to preach the gospel to yourself?
Several words in the English language have multiple definitions and uses. For example, the word strike can refer to both hitting something (in a fight) and missing something (in a baseball game).
Take a minute to think of a word that has multiple definitions. Write down as many of those definitions as you can think of in three to five minutes. At the end of the allotted time, consider sharing the results of your work with the rest of the group.
What first comes to mind when you hear the word gospel?
What are different definitions and uses of the word gospel in today’s culture? In the church?
Paul is just as concerned with _____________________ understanding the gospel as he is with _____________________ understanding the gospel.
The gospel is not simply for those who ________________ _______________ know Christ, but it’s just as much for those who ________________ know Christ.
What struck you as new or interesting in the video segment?
Look at the definition you wrote earlier for the word gospel. What changes, if any, would you make to that definition after hearing Matt speak?
Do you agree that the gospel applies to those who know Christ as much as it applies to those who still need to experience salvation? Why or why not?
Summarize what it means to stand in the gospel as a follower of Jesus.
What is one thing you can do this week to preach the gospel to yourself?