Rooted: Week 1: The Trinity
Reflection on theology:
Follow up reflection:
Additional Resources:
- What was your thinking and feeling about theology before this video?
- How does studying theology impact our understand of the gospel?
- What do you hope God will reveal to you through learning more theology?
- How does theology drive you toward sharing the gospel with others?
Follow up reflection:
- How has your understanding and thoughts of the Trinity changed after this week’s lesson?
- How do you feel you know God more? How do you feel you know him less?
- How does understanding the Trinity change our devotion to God?
- God is a personal God. Read through the verses on the personal nature of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How has or is God personal in your life?
- What is the doctrine of the Trinity?
- What is the biblical basis for the Trinity?
- What is the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
Additional Resources:
- The Mystery of the Trinity: A Trinitarian Approach to the Attributes of God by Vern Poythress
- Essential Truths for Christians by The Right Reverend John Rodgers
- The Trinity: An Introduction by Scott Swain