Rooted: Week 1: The Trinity

Reflection on theology:
  1. What was your thinking and feeling about theology before this video?
  2. How does studying theology impact our understand of the gospel?
  3. What do you hope God will reveal to you through learning more theology?
  4. How does theology drive you toward sharing the gospel with others?

Follow up reflection:
  1. How has your understanding and thoughts of the Trinity changed after this week’s lesson? 
  2. How do you feel you know God more? How do you feel you know him less?
  3. How does understanding the Trinity change our devotion to God?
  4. God is a personal God. Read through the verses on the personal nature of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How has or is God personal in your life? 
  5. What is the doctrine of the Trinity?
  6. What is the biblical basis for the Trinity?
  7. What is the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Additional Resources:
  1. The Mystery of the Trinity: A Trinitarian Approach to the Attributes of God by Vern Poythress
  2. Essential Truths for Christians by The Right Reverend John Rodgers
  3.  The Trinity: An Introduction by Scott Swain