West Katy House Church - The Fall


Opening Discussion:
  1. What are your thoughts from our last discussion on God's good creation?
  2. What is your experience and what have you known others to think of the term "sin?"

Read: Genesis 3
  1. What questions do you have about the passage? Observations?
  2. What do these chapters tell us about God?
  3. What do these chapters tell us about man and woman's relationship with God before and after eating the fruit?
  4. What is the root of Adam and Eve's turning away from the Lord.
  5. What does this tell us about what sin is and the effects of it?
  6. What do we learn about the danger of temptation?

Next week:  Read John 3, Colossians 1

West Katy House Church - Creation


Read: Genesis 1 and 2

  1. What questions do you have about the passage? Observations?
  2. What do these chapters tell us about God?
  3. What do these chapters tell us about creation?
  4. What is different about the world today and the created world in these first 2 chapters of Genesis?

Next week: Read Genesis chapter 3, Romans 1. Watch the 2 videos below.